From long-running soap operas to comedy-drama slices of life to daily gag strips, the digital comics scene has exploded over the last decade and readers have never had more options. Feeling overwhelmed? Christina Harrington and Joe Stando are here to take you on an expedition through the webcomics wilderness and show you the best specimens in our monthly Deadshirt Webcomics Field Guide.
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

Nimona gets ready to fight some goons. [Source]
Nimona was never meant to be an ongoing series, but rather a self-contained story with a beginning, a middle, and an end, and this definitely shows in its careful storytelling. Nothing is wasted here, and consequences are real and lasting. Nimona is about, well, Nimona, a teenage girl who is also a shapeshifter. We see her shift from shark to wolf, dragon to Nimona-but-with-really-muscular-arms, and everything in between. She’s also good at impersonating other people. The story starts when Nimona demands to become apprentice to super-villain extraordinaire Ballister Blackheart, who grudgingly agrees to take her on in his fight against the beautiful and misguided ‘hero’ Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin, and the organization that controls him.
You see, Nimona’s world is run by The Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics, a corrupt and malevolent group that trains soldiers and provides a hero in order to pacify peasants and keep nobility safe. Blackheart used to be one of the Institution’s top recruits, but he was kicked out after Goldenloin ‘accidentally’ injured him. (Read: blew off his arm and scarred his face.) Blackheart, now with a fancy robot arm, has sworn to take down his former best friend and the Institution that so cruelly labeled him a villain.

Say what you want about Goldenloin, he’s got magnificent hair. [Source]
Nimona herself is perhaps the best example of this old-meets-new aesthetic: she wears a chainmail dress under her tunic, while sporting a decidedly modern haircut and several face and ear piercings that, by the way, look super fucking cool. Everything in this comic looks super fucking cool. Stevenson’s art is expressive and energetic, with dynamic fight scenes–whether that means Nimona as a dragon chomping on some goons or in the well choreographed hand-to-hand fights between Ambrosius and Ballister. Her use of color lends energy to well blocked pages. I’m thinking specifically of a conversation between Ballister and Ambrosius in Chapter Ten, where one person is always bathed in orange and the other blue. I won’t show that scene here, as it comes later in the story and might reveal a bit too much to new readers, but I will say the coloring to the scene adds another layer of meaning to the conversation, as good coloring should. Colors work overtime in quieter ways as well: whenever Nimona is in animal form she’s always highlighted in a pinkish-red, a signature that eventually becomes plot-relevant.

Ballister Blackheart fights a security guard while Nimona shapeshift-fu’s some goons. [Source]
Blackheart is introduced to us as the villain–through admission, through the color scheme of his clothing, through his preoccupation with science. And while he is a supergenius (something that automatically pegs someone in this type of fiction as evil), he doesn’t believe in killing and even plays along with the Institution’s set rules for combat. Blackheart is a kindhearted nerd who can hold a grudge, but ultimately his goals are moral, even if some of his actions aren’t. Ambrosius Goldenloin, the supposed hero of this world, is just as complicated. Though I wanted to hate him, I quickly realized that though he’s a jackass who’s not as good as the Institution would make him seem, he also wasn’t as bad as I wanted him to be. He cares about Blackheart and doesn’t want to see him destroyed, even going as far as to warn his old friend about the Institution’s plans.
Though the story seems simple–anti-hero and sidekick work together to take down shadow government–there are several surprising twists that add depth to the plot, including a big one in the tenth chapter that I won’t go into here for the sake of avoiding spoilers but which I can assure you made me go “whaaaaaat” out loud. The world of this comic is lush with its own culture, traditions, and lore, lending believability to already well-established characters. It’s a witty story with a sarcastic, and sometimes goofy, sense of humor that in no way undermines its more serious moments. Nimona constantly surprises me, and is one of the most original and entertaining comics, online or otherwise, that I’ve ever read. I’m excited to see how it all ends, but I’m more than a little sad that it’s ending at all. Hopefully when that time comes I’ll be more prepared to leave this wonderfully original world and its inhabitants.

Absolutely charming. [Source]