Disney hopes to recreate family sitcom magic with Girl Meets World [source]
The great thing about Boy Meets World was that it grew up along with its audience over the course of its seven year run: it started in sixth grade, skipped straight to high school, and continued to follow its protagonists well into college. With that much air time, any series will show exponential growth, especially one that hinges on a team of quite literally growing actors. Girl Meets World, in a way, puts us back in the mindset of that first sixth-grade season (although Riley and her pals are in seventh grade), and it is important that we allow it to be the freshman that it is (sorry, I’ll stop with the grade-levels). That means that it is goofy, clunky, and often veers on the cloying side of sweet. In short, it’s a show for kids. And if we true fans of the Matthews clan want to be supportive of this series–and we better well be, since it’s our incessant Buzzfeed-style nostalgia-baiting that birthed it–we need to accept that its target audience isn’t us.
That isn’t to say that there isn’t plenty of fun stuff for the 90s crew in Girl Meets World, too. First and foremost, we are treated to the return of Ben Savage to the small screen, who, as far as I’m concerned, is the best comic actor of his generation. I have no idea if he can do any shtick other than the crotchety-kid-grandpa style of Cory Matthews, but I couldn’t care less, because it is still hilarious. In a smart bid to allow Savage as much screen time as possible, Cory is a teacher at his daughter’s school, effectively filling the role that Mr. Feeny occupied in the original series. Feeny isn’t forgotten, however–a sign in Mr. Matthew’s classroom reads “DO GOOD,” the last words of advice Feeny gives his protegés in the Boy Meets World series finale, and actor William Daniels also makes a brief and effective cameo in the pilot episode. Cory’s classroom is the structure around which the episodes build their inevitable life lessons (explaining, perhaps, why in three episodes the curriculum has jumped from the Civil War to the perils of technology to Pearl Harbor.) Topanga (Danielle Fishel) is still beautiful and has amazing hair, but takes a supporting role behind Cory. The two also have a very precious five-year-old named Auggie (August Maturo).
Topanga (Danielle Fishel) and Cory (Ben Savage) are still the perfect TV couple [source]
Sabrina Carpenter and Rowan Blanchard anchor the show with their friendship and awesome outfits. [source]
The character of Maya offers a little more complexity to the show’s drama, as we learn that she has a yet-undefined bad home life. “I have no one to help me with my homework,” she confesses to Cory after getting in trouble for taking a no-homework rebellion too far. Okay, so it’s the same storyline as Shawn’s, but it’s not any less affective or important. If anything, it’s interesting to see a female protagonist on the Disney Channel who characterized by difficult roots–whereas Shawn’s womanizing, leather-jacket wearing ways seemed cool and enticing, Maya’s heavy makeup and world-weary attitude toward boys is a little more obviously worrisome. If the series lasts long enough to follow the girls through high school, it will be very interesting to see how they develop Maya’s character. (By the way, Rider Strong once wrote an incredibly moving piece about his iconic bad boy. When he returns for his cameo later this season, it will be worth noting what kind of man the network decided he’s grown up to be.)

This image of Maya and Shawn (Rider Strong) is from an upcoming episode, and I can hardly contain my excitement as to what this conversation might contain. [source]
Girl Meets World airs Fridays at 8:30 PST.